Friday, February 9, 2007


Hello what is your name?

My name is Anna

Excuse me I didn’t understand?

Anna. I was part of the last hippies in the 80's when I was an adolescent. I saw all the concerts I could see for free and participated in all anti-nuclear manifestations that I knew about. I also saw the pope once. John Paul the 2nd. Me and my friends smoke lot’s of pot and thought he was ridiculous. We didn’t understand anything about religion. Why were all those people in there claming for one singular voice?

When did you die?

I died 20 years ago in a car crash. An accident. I didn’t feel anything because I was asleep. Not a big deal.

Do you come over often?

Yes I come as much as I can. I really like to be around people and the food is very good. Yeah. I like it. I still come to all the concerts I can. Last one I saw was “ the magic numbers” very good concert. There was a little girl sitting on the stage. Do you like to go to concerts?

Yes indeed. But I didn’t go for a long time. I think the last one I saw was Coco Rosie. I see more performance. But tell me how do you feel?

I feel okay, still busy with people; the world; things that interest me. Oh sorry I have to go... But thanks a lot for having me here. Nice crowd.
Oh wait... I can stay a little longer. What is your name?

My name is Lilia.

Nice name. But tell me how do you feel?

I feel ok. Still busy with people; the world; things that interest me.


Hello what is your name?

My name is Sara

Excuse me I didn’t understand?

Sara. I was born in 1789 into the Griqua tribe of the eastern Cape, a subgroup of the Khoisan people who are now thought to be the first aboriginal inhabitants of South Africa.

I agreed to go with Mr. Dunlop to England where, he promised me, I would become rich and famous as a subject of medical and anthropological research because I had large buttocks and elongated labia. I was 21 then.

Once in London I was exhibited like a wild beast, being obliged to walk, stand or sit as he ordered". People paid one shilling to gawk at me. For several years, working-class Londoners crowded in to shout vulgarities and the aristocracy was no less fascinated at what they saw as a sexual freak, but they had private showings.

When did you die?

I worked as a prostitute in Paris and drank heavily to cope with the humiliation I was subjected to. So very sad and homesick, I died lonely and alcoholic on January 1 1816. I died of pneumonia.

Do you come over often?

Nelson Mandela made a request to France in 1994 for my remains to be handed back. My cause gained momentum amid post-apartheid South Africa's new awareness of tribal identity. All over the country, aboriginal peoples are asserting our heritage rights, claiming not only political and cultural recognition, but also the restitution of ancestral land and the protection of intellectual property rights. Where are you from Lilia?

I am from Portugal.

Why did you leave?

Well to be able to do what I want. I guess…

Hello what is your name?


Excuse me I didn’t understand?

Ve-ro-ni-ca. When I was a little girl I used to go to the beach and seat on the small stones and look at the sea forever. I would stay there and wait. And I would wait for a long time for a big boat to come from very far away….One day the big boat came. I could see it very small, very far away. Getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it was right here. Huge boat. Beautiful! And then a little door open…a man came out… from the man came a dream.
Well that is a secret.
Apart from that I sold fish in the market.

When did you die?

I died in 1950. I died because I fell and knocked my head on a stone. I was about 50 years old. You know, when you are older you forget.

Do you come over often?

I go by the sea everyday. I like it, especially by dawn when the lines are blured and there is a feeling of immensity. I like to know where things come from and be close to that. Can you imagine how far away things constantly are? So out of reach without purpose. Do you understand?

I think I do. I guess you are talking about the relation between time and matter??

Yes do you know this song?

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is just a dream.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is just a dream.